This last month I was finding it so difficult to train, I mean I was completely wiped out, my workouts were lack luster and my motivation was dwindling. (I was especially bad with my swim workouts) I mean it is real hard to get in a freezing cold rec center pool and on top of that have to deal with all the crazy closures that they have every other day. So I decided to do something, I decided that I would challenge myself to getting my swim in first thing in the morning, before all the silly closures start at the pool (masters, water polo, scuba diving, kids swim teams, scouts etc. ) and before my brain recognizes that I am getting into a cold pool. I have been doing this challenge for 2 weeks now, and wow it has made a serious difference!!! I am not going to lie and say that I have been perfect and made every single swim workout, or even that I did them all in the morning. Last week I had to swim 5 days and this week I had to swim 4 days, last week I managed to fit in all but one swim and this week was the same (having one car is a little tough). But the days when I woke up at 4 am to go swim were some of the best swim days for me. It was nice to just get the swim done with and not have to worry about getting it done later in the day and I noticed that I actually had more energy in those wee morning hours then I did when I had to head to the pool after work and a major bonus was that I didn't have to wait for a lane or have to get in the water right after a troop of scouts!!
I found out that the early morning workouts were also great for my running. Last night is an excellent example, I didn't have time to run earlier in the day because I had used my morning to swim, my lunch break to bike, and I only had after work left for my hour plus run... well like things tend to do my run kept getting pushed back all the way until almost 9! One of the must unmotivating things you can do is realize that you now have to run until 10 pm on a Friday night because of your procrastination!!! But I got the run in and I'm glad that I did but it was so hard to run that late!!
Some days will be like this because you just don't have enough hours in the day, or other days Brady (who is a night owl) wants to stay up until the break of dawn watching Scandal, Grimm, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Allegiance (man, we watch a lot of shows apparently!) but that is when I have to think about my goals and remind myself that I want to do this, and that I can do it! Like I was saying it is hard when Brady is in recovery because first I lose my training partner so my motivation has to come from me, which sometimes is like, "hey don't suck!" As you can tell it's hard for me to find motivation from within sometimes. And secondly while Brady is recovering from surgery he obviously can't workout as hard or as long so he isn't as tired as I am so he wants to hang out more ha especially when I want to sleep!! Like the other night at 2 am I was woken up by him poking me and asking if I wanted to hang out. My response was "um... no, duh! I am sleeping here!" It will be so nice when he can get back to training 100% with me, then he'll be just as tired and won't try to keep me up all night!.... I realize that that makes me sound like a crappy wife ha I do want to hang out with him just maybe at normal hours!
So I decided that I am going to reinstate my challenge to myself. For the rest of the month of March I will get all my swim workouts in at 4 am, I will get my runs and bikes in before work, and on days that I have to do all three I will complete my training sessions before 10 pm. I am posting about this so that I will stay accountable to you guys and at the end of the month I will post about the difference that I have seen in my performance and motivation level. My goal is to be the best triathlete I can be and to totally rock my half ironman this year and I AM GOING TO DO IT!!!!
Thanks for reading,
Kassia (the cooler half of the iron couple)
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